Response to “36 Seconds That Changed Everything” has been very gratifying. Here are a few examples:
This topic is close to my heart. Thank you @shelly for giving it life!
— Indrani Solomon (@indrani_solomon) June 23, 2019
Fantastic audio documentary by @shelly on the rise and importance of iPhone accessibility:
— Marco Arment (@marcoarment) June 21, 2019
@shelly I just listened to the documentary. Well., just finished it after sharing the link. Nice work!
— Dianna (@DiannaMuircast) June 22, 2019
Listen to the latest episode of @ParallelPods! @shelly did a great job of both informing listeners about why tech accessibility matters and how the iPhone changed everything for users with accessibility needs. Plus, her audio production is ?:
— Aleen ? (@Aleen) June 21, 2019
I really hope @shelly's audio documentary finds its way to @tim_cook, @pschiller, and others at Apple. Tech accessibility is so important, and the iPhone revolutionized its adoption.
— Aleen ? (@Aleen) June 21, 2019
Just listened to 36 Seconds, an audio documentary about iOS accessibility by @shelly.
Fantastic insight into how important assistive technologies are and how they enable people to do amazing things.
— Steven Sommer (@stevensommer) June 21, 2019
I’m excited to announce the release of “36 Seconds That Changed Everything,” my audio documentary comemorating the day the iPhone became accessible. June 19, 2009. Listen now at #ios #apple #iphone #voiceover
— Shelly Brisbin (@shelly) June 19, 2019
That was excellent, thank you for producing this documentary.
— Don Shaw (@DonShaw14) June 21, 2019
Very well done, also includes a transcript
— Lauren? (@ohthat_lauren) June 20, 2019
Fantastic audio program by @shelly about how accessibility came to the iPhone and later the iPad a must listen! #a11y
— David Ward (@certdoctor) June 25, 2019
If you have a comment, please get in touch.